IIShri Swami SamarthaII
Properties of Raja and Tama Doshas
and their effect on Mind
Dr Mrs Indapurkar Kavita Vinayak MD,PhD
Professor & Head Kriya Sharir Vidnyan. Bharati
Vidyapeeth Deemed University , College of Ayurved , Pune 43 .India.
Email id: kavitaindapurkar@gmail.com
Contact no :9890791688
Ayurveda is a
protective and preventive science.Ayurveda adds years to life and life to
years. Ayurveda says that the living being is a combination of Body ,Organs
,Mind and Soul
Ayurveda has a
wholistic approach to man. Ayurveda says
that treat the man as a whole.. Body and
mind are inseparable and they depend on one another.
In the definition
of healthy person, it is clearly said that the person who has his Doshas Dhatus
and Agni in balanced state as well as who has prasanna Atma Indriya and manas
then and then only he can be called as Swastha.
Concept of mind in Ayurved
The entity, which enables one to feel
happiness as well as sorrow, is that is called as mind. A vivid description of
all metaphysical matters such as soul, spirit, conscious and sub conscious
state is available in philosophy especially Indian philosophy and Indian
literature.from which every medical man interested in the study of mind can
take a full advantage.
By mind control one can definitely
overcome many physiological and psychological problems
The presence and absence of knowledge
are the attributes by which one may define mind.
It should be noted that the word
“Manas” as used in Hindu philosophy has
not for its equivalent mind, for manas excludes Buddhi with Buddhi manas’ is
The particular mind by which Jiva
happens to be dominated in one life comes back to him in the next life.
Mind and Trigunas
Manas is of three kinds
1. Pure
2. Prevaded by rajas
3. Prevaded by tamas
Hindu philosophers attribute the
inclinations of the mind into three classes viz. sattva, rajas and tamas. These
are generally rendered goodness, passion and darkness.
As long as a
person owns the influence of rajas and tamas there must be birth .Body will
have all the pleasures and pains .
When divested of all these two
through the influence of sattva or goodness, birth or body with the joys and
sorrows ceases and he becomes Free. He is then absorbed into the Eternal and
immutable. Brahma or the Great self from which has produced everything.
Affected by rajas and tamas Purusha
is continually revolving in a succession of births and deaths like a wheel
When Sattva Guna
predominates in Manas it is called as Sattvika Manas.In Rajasika Manas Rajasik
characteristics are more. In Tamasik Manas Tamasik characteristics are
Mind as a causative factor of diseases -Ayurvedic view.
Ayurveda says "Treat the man as a
whole". Body & mind are inseparable in a living and healthy man.
Ayurveda believes in strong psyche and
quiet mind so that one may be healthy and happy, for himself and useful and purposeful for the
society, nation and world.
Doshas ,Dhatus
and Malas are 'somatic' components while
the Atma,Indriyas & Manas are the "psychic' components of the body.
Man is a psychosomatic entity.His psychic & somatic components can not be treated in isolation
Definition of health
Health is the state of equilibrium of
body & mind.
Ayurveda says that mere absence of
disease does not certify health. Health
is a positive thing to be assessed.
Health is the quantitative,
qualitative & functional normalcy of the Doshas Dhatus and Malas in the
body. Any deviation from the normal
values causes disease.
Vata, Pitta & Kapha are three
Doshas which when vitiated cause somatic disorders.
Rajas & Tamas are the psychic Doshas which
when vitiated cause psychic diseases.
The text have given a detailed
description of the causes of vitiation of
Doshas. Some of the important causes have been generalized to
1. Indiscriminate use of senses & their
2. Seasonal
3. Error or intellect
Out of these ,errors of intellect (Pradnyaparadh)
has been considered to be the foremost cause of any disease.
If Rajas & Tamas are controlled then we can avoid
Pradnyaparadh & by that diseases also we can avoid.
To live longer life i.e. to have
longevity body must be healthy & to have healthy body, mind must be
So long life depends on Manas which
shows Sattva as a good quality &
Rajas & Tamas as bad qualities ,which must be controlled.
So even if we can't change our mental
constitution we can have at least some control on Rajas & Tamas so that we
can get rid of their bad effects & can have better effects of Sattva.
In this way Ayurveda adds not only years to life but
life to years.
Dr Mrs Indapurkar Kavita Vinayak MD,PhD
Professor & Head Kriya Sharir Vidnyan. Bharati
Vidyapeeth Deemed University , College of Ayurved , Pune 43 .India.
Email id: kavitaindapurkar@gmail.com
Contact no :9890791688
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